Partials is a post-apocalyptic science-fiction novel that follows Kira, a medical researcher who will go to any length to find a cure to the plague that wiped out 99% of the population and continues to kill every infant born.
Partials is a brilliant mix of adventures, quests, mysteries, and complex, compelling characters. This trilogy is one of my all time favorites! Then again, I’m a biochemist by trade and this is a biochemical science-fiction novel, so maybe I’m a smidge biased. Still, I love the characters and plot and worldbuilding of this novel.
This series is one of my go-to recommendations for anyone who likes speculative fiction, and my copy of the trilogy gets passed around like library books. Currently I only have one of the three on my shelf—the other two are being happily devoured by friends.
Content ratings: PG-13 for violence, general darkness, and the occasional swear word. Sexual content is PG. It is a dystopian / post-apocalyptic series, so it does get a bit dark at times.
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